Friday, March 21, 2008

Frugal Friday

My brother, of all people, mentioned that my earlier post made it sound as if only affluent families can homeschool. I actually watch my homeschooling expenditures very closely and I know many people who successfully homeschool on a limited budget (most homeschooling families are one-income homes). I've asked my friends to send me tips which I will share in a regular "Frugal Friday" post.

The tip I received most often, and one I use all the time, is to use your local library. I'm always amazed at the books I can get from our library. I can't always get what I want, but the library helps limit what I have to buy. In our library system, I can find a book at one branch and have it transfered to the branch closest to me so I can pick up everything at one place.

Many libraries even have special programs for kids, too. One friend takes her 12 year-old daughter to their local branch library to participate in a "stock market" club where the kids play an online stock market game. She also told me that there are book clubs available for kids. These programs are for all kids, not just homeschoolers, so homeschooling kids can socialize with school kids, too.

I'd like to thank SG for agreeing to be interviewed for this post!

1 comment:

Not Scott said...

Here's to Ben Franklin!